The brand new iPod nano released on September 1, 2010 features an all new (to the series) touch screen. The new nano, unlike its predecessors does not feature video capabilities. But is it really all that bad? Anyone who has tried to watch any lengthy (or at least over five minutes) video on previous nanos knows that it is a hassle to watch a video for a long period of time on such a small screen. The nano is meant for portability, and Apple succeeds in this one. The nano itself isn't much bigger than the shuffle, features an easier way to listen, manage and view all of your music making it a true on-the-go device meant for music. If you really wanted all the features anyways you could pocket out an extra $50-70 dollars and go with the 8GB iPod touch.
Meh.. I have had my Ipod for years now and haven't even filled it all the way up yet.
I've had my current ipod for the better part of three years. It's not even half full, and that's not from lack of trying.
hm, my ipod is pretty good. and i got it since 1 year. i won't buy a new one :)
also, showing love <3
iPhone 4 user here. I'd get one for gym, but hey, I'd rather save money. :)
gurl u crazy
Check it
Isn't the reason why it's in a square is because that way you can turn it into a wristwatch?
very interesting, that things tiny!
not for me, but i could see some people loving it!
@David, not sure. I know you can put it on an armband for running and stuff.
@B yea I could see me losing it haha
meh lieks.
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