
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dance Gavin Dance - Travis opens up

For all of you that haven't heard Dance Gavin Dance announced the departure of Kurt Travis who (I think) filled Jonny Craig's shoes very well. I thought that DGD had finally found their sound with Happiness, it had a sound so different from their other albums...but oddly enough it sounded like the sound DGD had been searching for. I can say I was a little frustrated when I heard about this. Mainly because Kurt is a talented singer, but also because DGD is infamous for having all of these line-up changes.

Kurt Travis recently opened up to DeadPress in a interview stating
Kurt: I definitely was never going to quit, so yeah, I got kicked out. The band told me that they were going to break up because they weren’t happy with it, but before they did they were going do a tour with Jonny and just do ‘Downtown Battle Mountain’ songs. Things didn’t really happen the way they told me it seems. Oh well.
Although I am looking forward to the Downtown Battle Mountain II album with the original DGD lineup, I feel empathetic for Kurt.  It is said he is starting a new project with other ex-DGD members. Hopefully this project doesn't have yearly line-up changes...


Anonymous said...

DGD is a pretty chill band. hopefully things all work out for the best. following and supporting!:)

Food said...

I love the title of this blog. Keep it up!

Jehrin said...

Cool stuff, ill check them out.

Primitive said...

nice! so your a techy? ♥ =D i think u might like my next blog mayyyb

Herp said...

Thanks dude, Ive been meaning to add another artist to my library!

One Hot Minute said...

Bah this sucks. I just recently got into them and i really like their style..... Maybe this last album will be good? I'm no expert lol.

check out my blog sometime... not musical but somewhat insightful

Joe said...

Will check it out. I have been listening to them for a while. Really was disappointed as well in this news. Although the thought of Downtown Battle Mountain II sounds exciting...hahah

Tri Duong said...

first time i heard of them

Spencer said...

bad news bro!

showing teh love

Car Enthusiast said...

Awesome guide brother, will cehck out for sure and continue now that I'm following you!

Quinn Mallory said...

Shweet shiz, bro.


J Mo said...

Thanks for the info and the pic! You can never go wrong with a fish eye lens!

I. said...

omg, i facking love them! :o

Glen Burls said...

DGD is amazing! Can't believe other listen to them.!