
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Cisco CRS-3 Carrier Routing System

Even if you are not into computers, and if you don't really understand how this magical internet works. This should be pretty interesting to you.

Back in March 2010 Cisco, a leading network and communication technology provider, released information on its newest product. The Ciscoc CRS-3, with the (theoretical) data transfer rate of 322 terabits (322,000,000,000,000 bits) per second. To put that into perspective they said: "...which enables the entire printed collection of the Library of Congress to be downloaded in just over one second; every man, woman and child in China to make a video call, simultaneously; and every motion picture ever created to be streamed in less than four minutes."

This isn't to be confused with 322 terabytes per second. If you ever wondered the difference between bits and bytes, to put it simply, there are 8 bits in one byte. So 322 teraBITS converts to 37,485 terabytes. If you are unfamiliar with bits/bytes/gigabytes and megabytes and so on...

1024 MB in a Gigabyte
1024 GB in a Terabyte

Average movie (standard def) about 700-900 MB

If you are still interested on more information, it can be found here.


J Mo said...

Mind = Blown... that is soooo much soooo fast!

Mecha Six VII said...

it's pretty.

FreeMe said...

damn, i wish i had that in my room.... hahahaha

Tetru Eunor said...

Lol! Supporting and following!

help me spread some knowledge:

Steve said...

That pic is sexy!

Lewis Chan said...

i have to catch up with technology

Evan said...

Awesome! Now if only I had that..

La GaGa said...

too much more GaGa to comprehend

The Juice said...

Nice.. Maybe I can get when they are obsolete lol. I can still dream though...Right???

Jehrin said...

Wow thats insane, i love cisco

Jimmy Volmer said...

This blog has quite the following!

Much Poopies! said...


smoochies n' poopies! :*

Anonymous said...

Woooaaaaahh, now that's fast 0_0

Food said...

Holy crap, technology is amazing!

vpercuoco said...

Oi, did they say what the starting cost would be for this piece of equipment or if they were marketing it to certain businesses/agencies? I have the DoD in mind.

applecider said...

@Lewis: I'm quite behind in the new technology, too lol

Nerd Life said...

great stuff here!

Mister Sharaf said...

good post